Subjects - Northern Beaches Community College
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Yoga for the Over 50s Holiday Workshop

Course Outline A short ‘go at your own pace’ course in Hatha Yoga taught by an over 50’s teacher. This course will help build and maintain strength and flexibility of body and peace of mind. Relaxation, breathing and meditation techniques are part of each class. Please bring a mat and towel. About the Tutor Bernie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and gained a Diploma in Yoga Teaching at the Yoga Institute of Australia in Cammeray. Her training encompassed all facets of... [More]
$77 Limited inc GST / $69.30
Yoga for the Over 50s Holiday Workshop

<h3 id="CourseOutline">Course Outline</h3><p>A short ‘go at your own pace’ course in Hatha Yoga taught by an over 50’s teacher. This course will help build and maintain strength and flexibility of

$77 Limited inc GST / $69.30
Yoga for the Over 50s Holiday Workshop

<h3 id="CourseOutline">Course Outline</h3><p>A short ‘go at your own pace’ course in Hatha Yoga taught by an over 50’s teacher. This course will help build and maintain strength and flexibility of


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Health and Community Skills for 17-24 Year Olds

Get Job Ready with Health and Community Skills for 17-24 Year Olds This short course is specifically designed taking into consideration the interests of young people to the health and disability industry in New South Wales. It covers basic topics like safe movements and infection control, how the body systems work, and what health and community care workers do. It’s perfect for young people thinking about a career in this field or who just want to learn how to support others.... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Communicate and work in health or community services (CHCCOM005)
  • Recognise healthy body systems (CHCCCS041)
  • Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
  • Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Italian Travellers Stage 2

Course Outline Francesca: This course is designed for students who have finished Italian Traveller's Stage 1 or equivalent and wish to improve their conversational skills and fluency in the language. Culture, conversation and grammar will be covered in a social and stimulating environment. Expand your ability to deal with everyday situations (talking about family, sport, holidays and much more). This course also will place more of an emphasis on pronunciation and intonation and... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Accidental Counselling - Practical Skills

Course Outline While working in the Community Sector you may be involved in a crisis intervention and this course will give you the basic skills you need to recognise, respond and then referring the individual to appropriate services, while maintaining boundaries and self-care. Learn while you gain a nationally accredited unit for which you will gain a credit transfer if you subsequently enrol in a full qualification course containing this unit, eg CHC42015 Certificate IV in... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Recognise and respond to crisis situations (CHCCCS019)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to iPhones Beginners

Course Outline Do you own an iPhone but have no idea how to operate it? These fantastic little bundles of technology can be very helpful with day to day life not just making a phone call or sending a text message. This course will teach you how to use your iPhone for basic functions such as calling and texting but it will also cover settings, camera and photos, apps, internet and more! Topics include Getting to know your iPhone Making calls Sending messages Managing contacts... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

French Beginners Stage 1

Course Outline: This course is designed for students who have no previous or very little knowledge of the French language. In that course, we will start from the very beginning and slowly build up all aspects of the language in a step by step manner: grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. Students will be encouraged to participate in class with an emphasis on simple conversation throughout the course. Homework will be assigned. During this Term, we will learn the following... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR Accredited)

Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009) This nationally recognised course satisfies 1 Unit of Competency from the new HLT Health Training Package. It describes the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines. This unit applies to all workers who may be required to provide CPR in a range of situations, include community and workplace settings. Elements and Performance... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID009)
$75 Limited GST free
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR Accredited)

<p>Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009) This nationally recognised course satisfies 1 Unit of Competency from the new HLT Health Training Package. It describes the skills and knowledge

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course. No concessions.
$75 Limited GST free
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR Accredited)

<p>Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009) This nationally recognised course satisfies 1 Unit of Competency from the new HLT Health Training Package. It describes the skills and knowledge

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course. No concessions.

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

This first aid course is Nationally Recognised and provides participants with the skills necessary not only to be a first aid representative in a workplace but also to help family and friends in emergency situations. This unit (Provide First Aid – HLTAID011) describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty. The unit applies to all workers who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
$150 Limited GST free
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

<p>This first aid course is Nationally Recognised and provides participants with the skills necessary not only to be a first aid representative in a workplace but also to help family and friends in

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course.
$150 Limited GST free
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

<p>This first aid course is Nationally Recognised and provides participants with the skills necessary not only to be a first aid representative in a workplace but also to help family and friends in

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course.

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting

This course delivers the nationally accredited unit Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting (HLTAID012). It has been developed for teachers and carers will give you the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders, in a range of situations in an education and care setting. This is the appropriate course for childcare workers. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID009)
  • Provide First Aid in an education and care setting (HLTAID012)
  • Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID010)
  • Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
$160 Limited GST free
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting

<p>This course delivers the nationally accredited unit Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting (HLTAID012). It has been developed for teachers and carers will give you the skills and

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course. No concessions.
$160 Limited GST free
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting

<p>This course delivers the nationally accredited unit Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting (HLTAID012). It has been developed for teachers and carers will give you the skills and

Pre-course work must be completed prior to attending this course. See above for more details.
Please note that a practical demonstration of CPR on a manikin on the floor is a requirement of this course. No concessions.

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Gardening for Beginners

Course Outline: Whether you have a large garden or small balcony, learn the basic skills of good gardening. Discover what type of soil you have, which potting mix is best, how to choose ‘the right plant for the right place’ and find out how to maintain your outdoor space with the minimum of effort from the ground up. Course introduction: The living plant - plant requirements Soil - types, analysis, soil testing, improvement Pot selection, potting mixes, fertilizers Plant selection... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

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