Nationally Accredited Community Services & Aged Care, Home & Community Care and Disability courses available in Sydney’s Northern Beaches and Mosman area. Enrol online today.
Nationally Accredited Community Services, Aged Care, Home & Community Care and Disability courses available at Northern Beaches & Mosman College. Improve the lives of older people and start your career in aged care today or embrace a rewarding career in community services to help people in the community regain more control over their lives and future. 90% of our graduates secure employment before they have completed their training or very shortly after!
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support for Existing Workers
- Recognise healthy body systems (HLTAAP001)
- Support independence and wellbeing (CHCCCS023)
- Facilitate the empowerment of older people (CHCAGE001)
- Meet personal support needs (CHCCCS011)
- Support relationships with carers and families (CHCCCS025)
- Manage legal and ethical compliance (CHCLEG003)
- Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships (CHCPRP001)
- Coordinate services for older people (CHCAGE003)
- Facilitate individual service planning and delivery (CHCCCS006)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Implement interventions with older people at risk (CHCAGE004)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Provide support to people living with dementia (CHCAGE005)
- Facilitate the interests and rights of clients (CHCADV001)
- Deliver care services using a palliative approach (CHCPAL001)
- Implement falls prevention strategies (CHCAGE002)
- Assist clients with medication (HLTHPS006)
- Provide first aid (HLTAID003)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
- Recognise healthy body systems (CHCCCS041)
- Support relationships with carer and family (CHCCCS036)
- Communicate and work in health or community services (CHCCOM005)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Deliver care services using a palliative approach (CHCPAL003)
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control (HLTINF006)
- Provide support to people living with dementia (CHCAGE011)
- Provide individualised support (CHCCCS031)
- Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support (CHCCCS038)
- Support independence and wellbeing (CHCCCS040)
- Work effectively in aged care (CHCAGE013)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
- Support independence and wellbeing (CHCCCS040)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Work effectively in disability support (CHCDIS020)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach (CHCDIS011)
- Communicate and work in health or community services (CHCCOM005)
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control (HLTINF006)
- Recognise healthy body systems (CHCCCS041)
- Support relationships with carer and family (CHCCCS036)
- Support community participation and social inclusion (CHCDIS012)
- Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support (CHCCCS038)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Provide individualised support (CHCCCS031)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
- Respond effectively to behaviours of concern (CHCCCS020)
- Support community participation and social inclusion (CHCDIS003)
- Contribute to leisure and health programming (CHCLAH002)
- Use communication to build relationships (CHCCOM002)
- Participate in planning leisure and health programs for clients with complex needs (CHCLAH004)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Support youth programs (CHCYTH009)
- Confirm physical health status (HLTAAP002)
- Facilitate the empowerment of older people (CHCAGE001)
- Follow established person-centred behaviour supports (CHCDIS002)
- Participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of individual leisure and health programs (CHCLAH003)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Support relationships with carers and families (CHCCCS025)
- Provide individualised support (CHCCCS015)
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
- Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability (CHCDIS007)
- Engage respectfully with young people (CHCYTH001)
- Work in an alcohol and other drugs context (CHCAOD001)
- Incorporate lifespan development and sociological concepts into leisure and health programming (CHCLAH005)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Work effectively in the leisure and health industries (CHCLAH001)
- Provide support to people living with dementia (CHCAGE005)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Open Day
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling
- Apply learning theories in counselling (CHCCSL005)
- Assess co-existing needs (CHCCCS004)
- Facilitate the interests and rights of clients (CHCADV001)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (CHCDIV002)
- Work in an alcohol and other drugs context (CHCAOD001)
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Provide loss and grief support (CHCCCS017)
- Select and use counselling therapies (CHCCSL006)
- Support counselling clients in decision-making processes (CHCCSL007)
- Plan and conduct group activities (CHCGRP002)
- Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills (CHCCSL002)
- Facilitate the counselling relationship and process (CHCCSL003)
- Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence (CHCDFV001)
- Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management (CHCCSM005)
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Research and apply personality and development theories (CHCCSL004)
- Recognise and respond to crisis situations (CHCCCS019)
- Provide suicide bereavement support (CHCCCS018)
- Establish and confirm the counselling relationship (CHCCSL001)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Use communication to build relationships (CHCCOM002)
- Provide loss and grief support (CHCCCS017)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Facilitate the empowerment of older people (CHCAGE001)
- Facilitate the interests and rights of clients (CHCADV001)
- Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence (CHCDFV001)
- Engage respectfully with young people (CHCYTH001)
- Work in an alcohol and other drugs context (CHCAOD001)
- Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships (CHCPRP001)
- Assess co-existing needs (CHCCCS004)
- Respond effectively to behaviours of concern (CHCCCS020)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Work within a community development framework (CHCCDE019)
- Recognise and respond to crisis situations (CHCCCS019)
- Manage personal stressors in the work environment (HLTWHS006)
- Develop and deliver community projects (CHCCDE023)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
- Plan and conduct group activities (CHCGRP002)
- Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness (CHCSOH013)
- Facilitate and review case management (CHCCSM013)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach (CHCDIS011)
- Facilitate individual service planning and delivery (CHCCCS006)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support for Existing Workers (Disability)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Support community participation and social inclusion (CHCDIS012)
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Provide individualised support (CHCCCS031)
- Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control (HLTINF006)
- Recognise healthy body systems (CHCCCS041)
- Support independence and wellbeing (CHCCCS040)
- Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support (CHCCCS038)
- Support relationships with carer and family (CHCCCS036)
- Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach (CHCDIS011)
- Communicate and work in health or community services (CHCCOM005)
- Work effectively in disability support (CHCDIS020)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support for Existing Workers (Ageing)
- Support relationships with carer and family (CHCCCS036)
- Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support (CHCCCS038)
- Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Provide individualised support (CHCCCS031)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Communicate and work in health or community services (CHCCOM005)
- Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control (HLTINF006)
- Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
- Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)
- Work effectively in aged care (CHCAGE013)
- Deliver care services using a palliative approach (CHCPAL003)
- Recognise healthy body systems (CHCCCS041)
- Support independence and wellbeing (CHCCCS040)
- Provide support to people living with dementia (CHCAGE011)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.