French Intermediate Stage 4 (Dominique Partridge) - Northern Beaches Community College

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French Intermediate Stage 4 (Dominique Partridge)

Course Outline:

This course is designed for students who have completed over 2 years of studies. Students have a sound knowledge of the main tenses (Présent, Futur Proche, Futur simple, Passé Composé, Imparfait), an understanding of Conditionnel and Subjonctif and a reasonable level of vocabulary. 

In this class, we will continue to build up all aspects of the language (grammar, reading and writing) in a step by step manner along with constant revisions throughout the Term.

The course is divided into 2 parts: grammar and conversation as practice makes it perfect! Students will be encouraged to talk and should be able to enter unprepared into conversation on different topics that are familiar (everyday life, current events, travel …). Mistakes will be pointed out and based on that, grammar will be reinforced. Active participation is required. Homework will be assigned.

What to Bring:

La Grammaire en Dialogues - Niveau intermédiaire (B1) - by Claire Miquel CLE INTERNATIONAL - ISBN (2018): 978-209-038062-0

La Grammaire Progressive du Francais - Niveau intermédiaire (A2/B1) - 4ème edition avec 680 exercices - by Maia Grégoire/Odile Thiévenaz - CLE INTERNATIONAL ISBN: 978-209-038103-0

For new students book are optional as they are only required for the one term, handouts can be provided.

Recommended Suppliers:

  • Abbey's bookshop - York Street (in the CBD)

About The Tutor:

$350 Limited inc GST / $315
French Intermediate Stage 4 (Dominique Partridge)

<h2 id="header-course-outline"><strong>Course Outline:</strong></h2>

<p>This course is designed for students who have completed over 2 years of studies. Students have a sound knowledge of the main


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Course testimonials:

  • Nicole is an excellent teacher, patient, with easy explanations and with a good sense of fun which always make her classes very enjoyable.
  • Another enjoyable semester with Nicole, whose classes are very well conducted and lots of fun.
  • Nicole is a great teacher and generates a very good learning environment.
  • Nicole is a great motivator and teacher
  • Nicole is a great teacher and the lessons are always productive.
  • As usual it was a very pleasant term with Nicole. She is a very good and patient teacher with a great sense of humour and her classes are fun and enjoyable.
  • Nicole is a great French teacher.