Excel 2019 for Business Introduction
Excel is one of the most commonly used software applications especially in the workplace. You can use Excel to enter all sorts of data and perform financial, mathematical or statistical calculations. This comprehensive course covers the essentials of working with Excel 2019. This course covers creating simple spreadsheets and charts using MS Excel. You will learn how to create, edit and save spreadsheets, format data and worksheets, perform calculations using formulae and simple functions and produce simple charts. .
Design & Produce Spreadsheets (BSBTEC303)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop spreadsheets through the use of spreadsheet software. It applies to individuals employed in a range of environments who tend to be personally responsible for designing and working with spreadsheets under minimal supervision.
Course Outline
Create Spreadsheets
- Open spreadsheet application and create/open spreadsheet file and enter numbers, text and symbols into cells according to information requirements
- Enter simple formulas using cell referencing where required
- Correct formulas when error messages occur
- Use a range of common tools during spreadsheet development
- Edit columns and rows within the spreadsheet
- Use the autofill function to increment data where required
- Save spreadsheet to correct directory or folder Customise basic settings
- Adjust page layout to meet user requirements or special needs
- Open and view different toolbars
- Change font settings so they are appropriate for the purpose of the document
- Change alignment options and line spacing according to spreadsheet formatting features
- Format cell to display different styles as required
- Modify margin sizes to suit the purpose of the spreadsheets
- View multiple spreadsheets concurrently
Format Spreadsheet
- Use formatting features as required
- Copy selected formatting features from another cell in the spreadsheet or from another active spreadsheet
- Use formatting tools as required within the spreadsheet
- Align information in a selected cell as required
- Insert headers and footers using formatting features
- Save spreadsheet in another format
- Save and close spreadsheet to disk
- Incorporate object and chart in spreadsheet
- Import an object into an active spreadsheet
- Manipulate imported object by using formatting features
- Create a chart using selected data in the spreadsheet
- Display selected data in a different chart
- Modify chart using formatting features
- Print spreadsheet
- Preview spreadsheet in print preview mode
Please Bring
- Notepad/Pen
- Please bring a USB stick to class (around 4GB storage is sufficient)
- A manual will be provided
National Recognition
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - is a means of measuring skills acquired through work or life experiences or through qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. Any student who believes they may be eligible for RPL must apply for this at least two weeks prior to the course commencing. If you apply after the course commences it may not be accepted.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
From 1 January 2015 it is a requirement of the Federal Government that all students undertaking nationally recognised training will need to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This involves an easy online application. See USI Fact Sheet for information on how to apply for a USI go to the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Website for additional information.
Please ensure when completing your enrolment information, that the details relating to your name are identical to those on the identification evidence used (eg passport or driver’s licence) when creating your USI eg no abbreviations or nicknames should be used.
Once created, it is important that you keep a record of your USI and access to your accredited training records in a safe place. You will need this information for any future enrolments into accredited training in Australia.
This course is fully funded for many Australian citizens; permanent residents; New Zealand citizens and Humanitarian Visa Holders under the NSW Government’s Adult & Community Education funding. See ACE Community Service Obligation Funding page for details or contact Susan Wilkinson on 9970 1000 or email vet@nbmc.nsw.edu.au to check eligibility or for further information.
- Design and produce spreadsheets (BSBTEC302)
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Course testimonials:
- I enjoyed learning formulas which surprised me
- Julian is an engaging and inclusive trainer. Course was informative and manual useful.